Saturday, July 08, 2006

Madonna's Charity Project Comes Under Criticism Over Kabbalah Link

Charity News Online

Pop legend Madonna has been known to contribute to charity but some critics allege that there’s more to the cause than what appears initially.

In her Confessions Tour, the Swept Away star has been promoting a charity called Raising Malawi, which, according to its website, “helps the orphaned children of that disease-ravaged African nation.”

The charity was founded by the co-director of the Kabbalah Centre, the trendy religion some theologians publicly say is akin to Scientology, both religions many label as cults. The charity’s board is heavy with people tied to the controversial religion and it proposes to help the orphans through the “empowering principles” of Spirituality for Kids, Newsweek reports.

“Spirituality For Kids is an organization that was started by the Kabbalah Centre,” Madonna explains. “It gives children the tools to deal with life’s challenges. My daughter is learning about her ego and how to control it. Who’d have thought a child could learn that?”

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